Our Purpose

The research department at Blank Slate is dedicated to ensuring the production and maintenance of the highest quality data, and to consuming and producing the highest quality empirical evidence. Data feed our computational models, allowing them to adapt and improve their prediction power over time. Empirical evidence provides the highest quality information for informing our product-development decisions, from questions of user-interface design to questions of how to improve an algorithm. Our research blog serves as a place for us to keep our clients and collaborators up to speed about our latest scientific advancements and how they are informing our product decisions.


Most posts in our research blog are written by our Chief Science Officer, Amy Smith. Amy holds a PhD in cognitive experimental psychology from Tufts University. Her research focuses on memory optimization and protecting memory against the effects of aging, neurodegenerative diseases, and acute stress. We welcome all inquires, suggestions for blog posts, and ideas for research collaborations. If you're interested, reach out to Amy at amy@blankslatetech.co.

Blank Slate

Blank Slate

Blank Slate is a deeptech cognitive science firm dedicated to pushing the limits of the human brain.